The biggest perch of the day.
At the reading week a friend of mine took me to the fishing. It was unbeliveble fishing. The name of the lake I dont remember, it is located in one more hour after the McGreager Lake. We'd got there at 8 am and started to unload a truck: ice shack, fishing roads, heater, buckets, etc. Amazing that at the first two minutes, while I was hook a maggot, he cought 5 perches in a row! One right after another.

This Big one (very good size for perch) bit a minow at my second fishing road, out side of an ice shack. I clipped a bell to the second road, and when the bell rang I did not hear it, Jay said that my bell is ringing, I was having a sandwich that time. It was no place around to put it. I lefth it in my mouth and than unzipped the ice shack, I was in rush, I threw my first fishing road in my friend Jay an jumped out of ice shack. Probably it would fun to wach me that time. Right after I jumped out, I slipped and slided down to the second fishing road. I was no time to get up of the ice so I pulled this fish while I was lying down on the ice. I almost lost this fish, by the time I got him my friend call me and said that my road has bitting, and his road too, I threw away the fish and ran back, still with a sandwich in my mouth. It was fun after everything became normal, then I took all this pictures.

The ice shack is big enough for two people and it is very warm whem a heater running inside.
It still the same fish in my hands, you can see a minow's tale that commin off the perche's mouth. Minow it is a baby fish.

We got about 180-170 perches that day but kept only 30 of them, as it permited. All the rules about fishing are posting in a fishing guide and for each lake or river they are different. There is my leg on the picture above, it might show you how the perches are big. It was not a secret spot but very close to it. My of my friends who like fishing asked me where is that place and how to get there. So if I would not tell them it could be my secret spot. Perch is very delishes, I've never seen it in the store. We been there untill 5 p.m. Then ve got to a Traves Reservoir. My friend is a fishing guide, he knows all the lakes in alberta and near by, so he picked a spot on the lake to try our luck. He said that it will be fun, the first of us who cath a fish will be happy. After one hour of sitting there I got a bite....

It was a white fish! It was good size. I put my hand right next to it to make this picture. The fishing was so fun, I had a good time.