Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hi every body.
I did not blog for a while, so it is nice to do it again. Before start blogging I have looked at all blogs. You guys did a good job, you were keeping blogging. So I don't really know what to blog about so I have decided to blog about your blogs. It looks like comments but it counts like a blog.
Last Hussain's blog was about snowboarding. This sport is for real people. I love snowboarding too. last time I went snowboarding my car CD playe broke, did not work at all. So my trip was not fun like Hussain's. Keep up snow boarding man, it really good.
The last Mohammad's blog was about snow. By the way it fun picture. It litlle reminds me about winter on the Sakhalin Islan which I from. The snowremoving servise is corrupted and not working well, so snow hight might be form 1 to 2.5 meters. It retarted, cuz citezent are removing snow from the walk ways and city servis cleans the roads only. But it looks cool when you are walking down the street, and snow walls are higest then you.
Gerard did not blog - no comments. Thanks man you made my job easer.
> Loreta's blog. It cool that you can studie more then 1 or 2 languages. I would like to study Spanish or French, but I still can not figure out English.
> Betsy's blog. Wii is cool. You are so lucky to have it. Can I borrow it for a while after exams :)))
> Estella's blog. I like to watch not Hollywood movies sometimes. By the way my Favorite Japanese movie is The Battle Royale. In this movie teens-classmates have to kill each other untill only one remains. I gues tihs movie is forbitten for US, Canada, and all the countries in the world exept 5, including Russia.

(For those who are still reading - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU)

>Yulia's blog. My family and I have celebrated Pasha too. On sunday I have seen my people by the churches in my community.
> Carlos' blog. It is fun and nice to invite friends to your house. After next two week my mother will go Russian and my father is alredy in the states so I going to invite my friends to come over almost every day. Every body in LEAP are welkom to come over my house. And have a party!!!
> Amy's blog. It is ok to be nervous before the exams, I am nervous too. Last semester I was so nervous before the writing final that while parking I've damaged my farther's car back bumper.
> Nick's blog. I am still shocked by Calgary's weather, today is +10 but tommorw could be -15 or vice versa.

(I would not belive if someone is still reading.)
> Leslie's blog. I definitely agree with you about the English grammar. Honestly, if I will study English for next 5, 10, 20 years I guess that the grammar will be mysterious for me like aliens, the great pyramids or the way that the president of the US is thinking. (<< this does not dealing with PR and he is a great guy, .......)
Alif's blog. WOW you are really good at math but the are a bit different calculation should be done:
for example in the choice with Bs you are dividing the average by a number of the marks, so you had 4 essays, which 3 was obtained from each of them
ex: (3+3+3+3)/4=3, then (3/4)*100%= 75%, it means then more you did than less mark you got
(3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3)/8=3, so (3/8)(# of assignments)*100%=37.5%
same will be with C=2 or A=4, but
(3+3+3)/3=3, then (3/3) (average /by # of assig.)*100%=100% this means A, logically A is = to C, but it is wrong logic. Or if you did one essay and got C then you will get an A+++++++ 'cuz one essay with C=2 by the same theory will lead to (2)/1 =2, then 2/1*100%=200%.
Let Y be a final mark in % and X is a current mark so your calculation looks like Y=(Xn/n)*100% if X1=X2=...Xn as an example you've gave. It is just a general formula for each case of # of essays, I don't have time to figure out a specific example but it enough prove my point.
Just be careful when you are dealing with math, Honestly I don't really like math but have to deal with it some times.
> Scott,
I wondering if this blog could be counted as 1 blog and 12 comments?

Monday, March 5, 2007


The biggest perch of the day.
At the reading week a friend of mine took me to the fishing. It was unbeliveble fishing. The name of the lake I dont remember, it is located in one more hour after the McGreager Lake. We'd got there at 8 am and started to unload a truck: ice shack, fishing roads, heater, buckets, etc. Amazing that at the first two minutes, while I was hook a maggot, he cought 5 perches in a row! One right after another.
This Big one (very good size for perch) bit a minow at my second fishing road, out side of an ice shack. I clipped a bell to the second road, and when the bell rang I did not hear it, Jay said that my bell is ringing, I was having a sandwich that time. It was no place around to put it. I lefth it in my mouth and than unzipped the ice shack, I was in rush, I threw my first fishing road in my friend Jay an jumped out of ice shack. Probably it would fun to wach me that time. Right after I jumped out, I slipped and slided down to the second fishing road. I was no time to get up of the ice so I pulled this fish while I was lying down on the ice. I almost lost this fish, by the time I got him my friend call me and said that my road has bitting, and his road too, I threw away the fish and ran back, still with a sandwich in my mouth. It was fun after everything became normal, then I took all this pictures.
The ice shack is big enough for two people and it is very warm whem a heater running inside.
It still the same fish in my hands, you can see a minow's tale that commin off the perche's mouth. Minow it is a baby fish.
We got about 180-170 perches that day but kept only 30 of them, as it permited. All the rules about fishing are posting in a fishing guide and for each lake or river they are different. There is my leg on the picture above, it might show you how the perches are big. It was not a secret spot but very close to it. My of my friends who like fishing asked me where is that place and how to get there. So if I would not tell them it could be my secret spot. Perch is very delishes, I've never seen it in the store. We been there untill 5 p.m. Then ve got to a Traves Reservoir. My friend is a fishing guide, he knows all the lakes in alberta and near by, so he picked a spot on the lake to try our luck. He said that it will be fun, the first of us who cath a fish will be happy. After one hour of sitting there I got a bite....
It was a white fish! It was good size. I put my hand right next to it to make this picture. The fishing was so fun, I had a good time.


The last week we had a mid term exams. This situation remind me about exams that I had in Russia. Every exam in my group is historical. The Russian examination system is different from Canadian: in Russia students at first have to do two asigments and 1-3 questions, then an interview with an instructor. The last my exam in Russia was been for 8 hours.
Now, the stories of my group in Russian university. During the exam of phisics - termodynamics, one guy did not answered his papere test and the proff said him to get out. But that guy started to cry and asked for another one. Everybody were shocked, especialy the proff. That cruing guy, after that our group sentensed him to be a girl for the rest of his studies, he cried for 40 minutes, then the proff gave him another one. Right after that the another guy whose nickname is the Deer (because of his intelegence) walked to the proff's desk. He gave him a clean papers with the test and asked him: "Give me a C, please!" Every body started to laugh, the proff said that he never seen anything like that during his 20 years pracrice. The proff said: "Why I should give you a C for nothing." The Deer said if he won't give him a C he will go to the army. Everyone laughed. Finely the proff said to him that he will give him a C for 2 reasons: first he was only the one for 20 years, and second he should not see that guy for the rest of his life. The Deer got a C and still hiding in the holeways. Another story about afriend of mine. We had an line algebra exam, and my friend asked me for answers, the girl in front of me had the same test like he had. I took me 15 minutes to sent her a notice, after a while she gave me a pice of paper with the answers, my friend was right behind me. But the proff wached for that girl and wanted to catch us. I had to do only the small thing pass the answers to my friend, suddenly I saw that the proff is walking towards me. I did not know what to do: to said that the answer not for me but for me and set up my friend or hit my friend that he made me do that, in the both scenarios I would be kicked out from the exam. Then I ate this paper, the proff did not find anything, my class mates who have seen it were dying because of laughing, I passed the exam, but my friend did not. There are a lot of fun stories about me and classmates on the exams, but it could take alot of time to write everthing. However, some proffs said that the our group is outstanding, some others mean proffs said the we shoul not studie at university at all, but live in the zoo in the cages insted of monkeys. I realy miss my classmetes, we had a lot of fun tougether.

Friday, February 16, 2007


There are some blogs about driving, and most of them relate to the car accidents. The last week was crazy for driving. It was 200 car accsidents just on mondey in Calgary (blame drivers who moved from Vancouver). However on this picture is US driver from Texas, who left his car with turned on engine and gone home by bus. I have no idea how the driver did that, I just can say that the electrical line in texas very strong, this car is hanging. I know some incredible stories about driving. One of my classmates in the russian university told me the story about his friend. His is studing at the same university, that guy is reach and almost mentaly retarded. His father, who is provincial cheff police, gifted him a hummer H1 (real huge car), 3 weeks later that guy lost his rear wheels somewhere in the grasslands near by the city. How stupid a person should be to crush a Hummer in 3 weeks (the same cars are used by US millitary). Another incredible story about two shamans in Africa. They did something and the African (I don't remember which country) government presented for each one a brand new BMW x5. The first shaman crashed his car in 3 days. In spite of the fact in this country few telephone pillors he hit one of them. The another shaman crashed his BMW at the single tree in the middle of a desert. Moreover, two weeks later the government presented two the same cars for each other. So if you a shaman in Africa and you crash one car than the government will give you two the same cars.... not bad!

Monday, February 12, 2007


On last weekend I spent all day at the Lake Louise. I was so much fun! I have been snowboarding all day. The weather was warm and nice, and in the end of a day it became warmer. It was not so crowded as it usually is. It was my first time this winter, it took about 5 minuts to remember how to snowboarding. At my first launch I twisted my knee a little bit, but it was not serious and countinue to boarding. I have seen a lot of people from Germany, they were reporters and they did some show about skiing at Lake Louise. Many people say that the Lake Louise is a place number one for skiing and snowboarding at the world. Like at the last year Alik Boldwin and Holly Barry visited Lake Louise. Many people came to the Lake Louise that time, but I was smarter I did go to Nakiska and it was not crowded at all. However, snowboarding is very fun! For example in the morning you are above some clouds and it sunny, after you are skated down it again cloudy. There are about 109 different tracs. And you can take a different one every time. The amasing thing that little kids about 5 years old are skiing and snowboarding at the same track as adults and some times they do much better then adults. Moreover, my friends and I usually go off the racks to the forest, it is so fun to boarding through trees. One of my friends said that it is stupid to boarding bettween trees and he never did go with us.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Hi every one!
To day is so cold and wery wery icy. In the morning I walked out of the door straight and I started slide down the back alley. It was so icy that I could not stop and walk back to my house. It was fun. And this reminded me about one situation that happen to me about 2 or 3 mounths ago. My friends and I decided to go to the ... Somewhere to have fun. I was working that evening near by one of my friends house. He always late for 30 40 minutes, so I decided to pick him up. It was snow fall on that day and roads in comutyties very icy. It was the road that I drove many times, I made the left turn in intersection and I have been movind up to hill. Just right I made the turn my car slowed down and started to slide down the hill. I almost had a hurt attack. The drivers on the same itersection were shocked, it was only the way out the comunity. Luckly I stopped the on that hill, but I couldn't to go forward. My friend said (after all the F words) "OK I WILL PUSH YOU" And I did not tell him the small problem that it will be hard to push 1730 kg car up to the hill. Then he opened the door, stepped out of the car, he slipped, folldown on his back, and slided down the hill far then the car. And he could not stend up for 7 times because of ice. All the comunity laughed on this situation, I did know what to do. Then Ijust pulled back got some speed and passed that icy hill.

Monday, January 29, 2007

A Stupid Girl From the Next Parking Stall

Hi everybody!
I want to tell you a "fun" story that happend to me at the first week in school of this semester. It was on the morning after a snow fall in Calgary. I drove to UofC about 10:30 in the morning. And usually by this time the 32nd parking lot is getting full. So after a while I found a perfect spot to park my car. I used to park backwards. It was unsusall, NObody clean this parking lot, no lines, no sidewalks, nothing you can see. However I knew where I am parking, also I knew that somewhere near shold be the curb, I could not see it because of snow. Something blocked my left back whill? It was a curb. So I reparcked and I noticed that I parcked too far of the curb I repark and the curb blocked my wheel again. Unluckly for me I blocked the way for a woman, I I seen that she was getting angry. I thought ok GO AHED! And I parked at the other parking stall just accross of mine. She passed, and I tryed to go Backwards to park at my favorite stall. But my whells stuck in snow. I opened my door to see hoe is it baddly. It was badlly, because I moved some snow by my door. The snow was pretty hi. I am driving minivan with two front drive whells. I tried to put a little gas and my whells were rotaiting and the car did not move. "It just great!!!" I said to my self, and i hit my dashboard. I started getting my car out of this trap by pushing the gas pedal with intertval, to got a resonance. But I had to turn steering wheel a little bit left to avoid another curd while I going backwards. And just at this time a pretty girl parked beside me. Well it was very hard for me to understand why she parked beside me. This are of the parking lot is still free, and she have to park beside me, while I do backwards. And she almost block my right front wheel by her door. I pull front a little bit and i tried to get out two more times. But I had to turn a little bit left toa void the curb, but the stupid girl almost bloked my wheel, about 5 inches from her door to my wheel. The parking lot was almost empty, she could parked her car enuwhere else. I thought that she can repark her car insted of waching if my wheel will hit her door. I never seen in my life more stupid creature than she is. She was only wathcing for the comming accident insted of avoiding it. It pointed her with finger to the back in full of hope that she will understand me and reparckher car. And she understand it but not the way I thought. She reparked her car at the same spot, but with two inches to the right side. Honestly, I was shocked by her behaviour. It was usless to explain her somthing. At lats after other 5 times I got out of the snow-curd-prettyStupidGirl trap, and all this time, about 7 minutes, she was watching if my wheel will hit her door or not.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The LEAP program

The leap program is the program for studying English that I ever had. This program helped me to lern english faster then at the other facilityes I ever studied. I like writing course that I havnig right now. It rases my academich English each time when I writing essay. The essaywriting is hard and never fun like Blogging or journal writing. 'Cause, by doing blogging I can write whatever I like. It is greate to blogg, you are doing free writing and no any grammar rules. It is also fun to leve comments on the others student's bolgs. It is grete to blogg about things that you are know well, because you share you experience with the other students. If you write your blog with details about things you are doing and you can describe them well it is great, because some students can ;earn a little bit ubout them