Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hi every body.
I did not blog for a while, so it is nice to do it again. Before start blogging I have looked at all blogs. You guys did a good job, you were keeping blogging. So I don't really know what to blog about so I have decided to blog about your blogs. It looks like comments but it counts like a blog.
Last Hussain's blog was about snowboarding. This sport is for real people. I love snowboarding too. last time I went snowboarding my car CD playe broke, did not work at all. So my trip was not fun like Hussain's. Keep up snow boarding man, it really good.
The last Mohammad's blog was about snow. By the way it fun picture. It litlle reminds me about winter on the Sakhalin Islan which I from. The snowremoving servise is corrupted and not working well, so snow hight might be form 1 to 2.5 meters. It retarted, cuz citezent are removing snow from the walk ways and city servis cleans the roads only. But it looks cool when you are walking down the street, and snow walls are higest then you.
Gerard did not blog - no comments. Thanks man you made my job easer.
> Loreta's blog. It cool that you can studie more then 1 or 2 languages. I would like to study Spanish or French, but I still can not figure out English.
> Betsy's blog. Wii is cool. You are so lucky to have it. Can I borrow it for a while after exams :)))
> Estella's blog. I like to watch not Hollywood movies sometimes. By the way my Favorite Japanese movie is The Battle Royale. In this movie teens-classmates have to kill each other untill only one remains. I gues tihs movie is forbitten for US, Canada, and all the countries in the world exept 5, including Russia.

(For those who are still reading - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU)

>Yulia's blog. My family and I have celebrated Pasha too. On sunday I have seen my people by the churches in my community.
> Carlos' blog. It is fun and nice to invite friends to your house. After next two week my mother will go Russian and my father is alredy in the states so I going to invite my friends to come over almost every day. Every body in LEAP are welkom to come over my house. And have a party!!!
> Amy's blog. It is ok to be nervous before the exams, I am nervous too. Last semester I was so nervous before the writing final that while parking I've damaged my farther's car back bumper.
> Nick's blog. I am still shocked by Calgary's weather, today is +10 but tommorw could be -15 or vice versa.

(I would not belive if someone is still reading.)
> Leslie's blog. I definitely agree with you about the English grammar. Honestly, if I will study English for next 5, 10, 20 years I guess that the grammar will be mysterious for me like aliens, the great pyramids or the way that the president of the US is thinking. (<< this does not dealing with PR and he is a great guy, .......)
Alif's blog. WOW you are really good at math but the are a bit different calculation should be done:
for example in the choice with Bs you are dividing the average by a number of the marks, so you had 4 essays, which 3 was obtained from each of them
ex: (3+3+3+3)/4=3, then (3/4)*100%= 75%, it means then more you did than less mark you got
(3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3)/8=3, so (3/8)(# of assignments)*100%=37.5%
same will be with C=2 or A=4, but
(3+3+3)/3=3, then (3/3) (average /by # of assig.)*100%=100% this means A, logically A is = to C, but it is wrong logic. Or if you did one essay and got C then you will get an A+++++++ 'cuz one essay with C=2 by the same theory will lead to (2)/1 =2, then 2/1*100%=200%.
Let Y be a final mark in % and X is a current mark so your calculation looks like Y=(Xn/n)*100% if X1=X2=...Xn as an example you've gave. It is just a general formula for each case of # of essays, I don't have time to figure out a specific example but it enough prove my point.
Just be careful when you are dealing with math, Honestly I don't really like math but have to deal with it some times.
> Scott,
I wondering if this blog could be counted as 1 blog and 12 comments?


anna said...

Hello Kolya,
Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately, I have not seen you at the church during the Easter service. Which church do you attend?
Good luck at the exams!

Scott Douglas said...

Hmmmm, I don't know if I can count this one blog as 12 blogs, but I did read it all, and I am proud of you for reading everyone else's blog!

Alif said...

Hi, Nickolay, it's a good analysis.
It sounds like we all are competiting. I like competitions. Thanks. But, I have found some errors in your thinking. So, you should visit my blog "Defending Nickolay" to see what are your faults. Thanks again.